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Top Ten Articles We Think You Should Read (Nov 28 – Dec 4)

In Economy, International, News, Political, Top Ten on December 4, 2011 at 3:46 pm

Hillary Clinton Burma visit: Suu Kyi hopeful on reforms

BBC-December 2, 2011

After talks with U.S. Secretary of State, Aung San Suu Kyi said that she is hopeful that Burma can get on the road to democracy, but is still not on that road yet. She said that more needs to be done and political prisoners must be freed. But still, new reforms have let her party stand in elections. The democratic leader, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, had a morning of talks with Mrs. Clinton. The two discussed upgrading diplomatic ties, and the U.S. will support some modest changes in Burma’s status in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Clinton is the first U.S. Secretary of State to visit Burma since John Foster Dulles in 1955. Clinton urged for momentum behind the reforms, and was thrilled to see her free after many years of house arrest. The U.S. has maintained tight restrictions on senior Burmese leaders, which was ruled by a harsh military junta from 1962-2010.

Decade later, state Senate passes anti-bullying bill

Michigan Daily-December 1, 2011

On Tuesday, November 29th, the state senate passed Matt’s Safe School Law, a bill that requires all Michigan school districts to have anti-bullying policies. Governor Snyder is expected to sign the bill next week. The passing of the bill marks the end of the struggle that lasted weeks over the specific terms of the bill. State legislators denounced Jones’s Senate Bill, passed in the chamber November 2, for a clause that did not consider bullying to include when a student has, “a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil or a pupil’s parent or guardian” The House rejected Jones’s Senate bill, and began working on November 9th on a new bill-Matt’s Safe School Law- that would resolve differences between Republicans and Democrats. The House passed the rewritten bill without enumerations included on November 10. This bill passed Tuesday without amendments.

Nigerian Senate Approves Anti Gay Marriage Bill 

NPR- November 29, 2011

On Tuesday, the Nigerian Senate voted to outlaw gay marriage, gay advocacy groups, and public displays of affection from same-sex couples. The bill still must be passed by the house and signed by President Goodluck Jonathan before becoming a law, but public sentiment is in favor of the restrictions in the highly religious country.
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